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 Harnessing resources effectively through innovation is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Action European Joint Doctorate (EJD) project (programme Innovative Training Networks (ITN) of Horizon 2020). Its primary objective is to organize a platform that will provide cutting edge training opportunities for the education of tomorrow’s water treatment experts.

14 research projects

The primary objective of NOWELTIES is to organize a platform (European Joint Doctorate) that will provide cutting edge training opportunities for the education of tomorrow’s water treatment experts. The core activity is the research programme (composed of 14 individual research projects) aimed at development of inventive water treatment technologies (advanced biological treatments, inovative oxidation processes, hybrid systems) that allow catering for the varied treatment demands for a plethora of interconnected streams arising from recycling loops.


The qualified supervisory team that has the knowledge, experience and commitment will provide the next generation of young 14 professionals with the skills to successfully address current and future challenges in wastewater treatment at the European level.

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WEB NEWS UPDATES: Thesis Defense Presentation by Danilo Bertagna


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#MSCActions #ESR #PhD #ITN

PhD milestone #1

My first first-author article 📑

We demonstrated the acceleration of anaerobic degradation kinetics in batch tests using graphene oxide.

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