Advanced Training Course 1 and 3

Over the past three weeks, ESRs have virtually taken part in the Advanced Training Course (ATC) that combined the contents of ATC 1 and ATC 3 for a total of 30 hours.

ATC 1, organized by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), was on advanced technologies for biological treatment of wastewater and the design of hybrid systems, while the ATC 3 on advanced oxidation and electrochemical processes was given by the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA).

The ATC was held as an online seminar where contents were given in a lecture form with integrated discussions throughout the sessions.

The topics covered during the course included the following topics:

· Introduction to advanced water treatment and non-potable and potable water reuse

· Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)

· Advanced biological treatment processes and hybrid systems

· Basics of membrane filtration, granular and powdered activated carbon filtration

· System design of non-potable and potable water reuse schemes.

During the course, ESRs worked on smaller exercises in breakout sessions. During the last week, real water-reuse case studies were assigned to ESRs, which developed and presented a specific solution covering different aspects. The main aspects dealt with water quality, treatment train, monitoring, risk assessment, water safety plan, and community engagement programs.