Design, development and characterization of atmospheric plasma system for wastewater treatment

Institute of Physics (IPB), Belgrade, Serbia

Amit Kumar


Amit has done his master in Sustainable Technologies from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. During his master, he worked in the area of the non-thermal plasma (atmospheric plasma) assisted fuel reforming. He has also designed and fabricated the non-thermal plasma system for the various application. Additionally, he was involved in various experimental and computational work such as characterization of plasma (plasma diagnostics) using optical emission spectroscopy, plasma-assisted CO2 dissociation, using BOLSIG+ (Electron-Boltzmann Equation Solver) to see the influence of plasma parameters on ionization and dissociation reaction.

As for the professional experience, he was a research assistant at the Centre for Sustainable Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He worked on the characterization and utilization of biomass and coal. Furthermore, He used NASA CEAgui (Chemical Equilibrium with Application) Packages for chemical equilibrium analysis of reacting systems.