ICREA Research professor, Water Quality Area. Catalan Institute for Water Research, ICRA
Ph: +34 972 183 380
F: +34 972 183 248
ICREA Research professor, Water Quality Area. Catalan Institute for Water Research, ICRA
Ph: +34 972 183 380
F: +34 972 183 248
ICREA Research Professor since December 2005. PhD in Chemistry (1995), Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia. From 1999-2011 research scientist at the Department of Environmental Chemistry, Institute for Environmental Assessment and Water Studies (IDAEA-CSIC), Barcelona. Since July 2011 senior researcher at the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), Girona, Spain. At ICRA she is the head of Water Quality Area and responsible for the research line Contaminants in water treatment processes. She has participated in over 20 EU projects since 1999; published 220 papers in SCI journals (Hirsch Index 64); edited 8 books and published 36 book chapters. She is Highly Cited Researcher 2018 (ranked in the top 1% by citations) in the field of Environment/Ecology according to Clarivate Analytics.
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Relevant publications
Mira Petrovic, Methodological challenges of multi-residue analysis of pharmaceuticals in environmental sample, TrEAC-Trends Environ. Anal. Chem. 1 (2014) 25–33
Meritxell Gros, Mira Petrovic, Antoni Ginebreda, Damià Barcelo, Removal of pharmaceuticals during wastewater treatment and environmental risk assessment using hazard indexes, Environ. International. 36 (2010) 15–26
Aleksandra Jelic, Francesco Fatone, Silvia Di Fabio, Mira Petrovic, Franco Cecchi, Damia Barcelo, Tracing pharmaceuticals in a municipal plant for integrated wastewater and organic solid waste treatment, Sci. Total Environ 433, (2012) 352-361
Meritxell Gros, Mira Petrović and Damià Barceló, Tracing pharmaceutical residues of different therapeutic classes in environmental waters by using Liquid chromatography/Quadrupole-Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry and automated library searching, Anal. Chem. 81 (2009) 898-912
Čelić, M., Gros, M., Farré, M., Barceló, D., Petrović, M., Pharmaceuticals as chemical markers of wastewater contamination in the vulnerable area of the Ebro Delta (Spain), Science of the Total Environment 652 (2019) 952-963
Yaroslav Verkh, Marko Rozman, Mira Petrovic, A non-targeted high-resolution mass spectrometry data analysis of dissolved organic matter in wastewater treatment, Chemosphere, 200 (2018) 397-404
Lucia Gusmaroli, Sara Insa, Mira Petrovic, Development of an online SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS method for the multiresidue analysis of the 17 compounds from the EU “Watch list”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 410(17), (2018) 4165-4176
Michael, I., Achilleos, A., Lambropoulou, D., Torrens, V.O., Pérez, S., Petrović, M., Barceló, D., Fatta-Kassinos, D., Proposed transformation pathway and evolution profile of diclofenac and ibuprofen transformation products during (sono)photocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 147 (2014) 1015-1027