Dr. Eng. Paola Verlicchi, PhD

Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara Italy,

Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Department of Engineering

Via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara


E-mail: paola.verlicchi@unife.it

Ph. +39.0532.974938

Fax +39 .0532.974870

Paola Verlicchi

Associate Professor in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, University of Ferrara

Paola Verlicchi took her Degree in Chemical Engineering (with honors) and her PhD in Safety and Environmental Chemical Engineering at the University of Study of Bologna, Italy.

She is currently an Associate Professor of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara (Italy), where she has also served as an Assistant Professor.

She is the Supervisor of the Environmental and Sanitary Research Group within the Department of Engieneering…


Her main research fields refer to management and treatment of domestic and industrial wastewaters and reuse of reclaimed water.In the last years her studies were mainly devoted to the occurrence and removal of persistent compounds (pharmaceuticals) in the water cycle (domestic and hospital effluents, treated effluent and surface water) and the assessment of the environmental risk due to their presence in the different aquatic environments as well as in sludge and sludge-amended soil.


She is Author of more than 135 peer-reviewed scientific publications in SCI journals, book chapters, proceedings of international and national conferences.

She is also co-Author of a technical manual on treatment of wastewaters of small communities, published by Hoepli (in italian) Depurazione delle acque di piccole comunità, and Editor for Springer of the book: Hospital Wastewater- Characteristics, Management, Treatment and Environmental Risks included in the series The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry.


Personal web page


Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paola_Verlicchi


Relevant publication

Al Aukidy, M., P. Verlicchi, A. Jelic, M. Petrovic, and D. Barcelò. 2012. “Monitoring Release of Pharmaceutical Compounds: Occurrence and Environmental Risk Assessment of Two WWTP Effluents and their Receiving Bodies in the Po Valley, Italy.” Science of the Total Environment 438: 15-25.

Verlicchi, P., M. Al Aukidy, A. Galletti, M. Petrovic, and D. Barceló. 2012. “Hospital Effluent: Investigation of the Concentrations and Distribution of Pharmaceuticals and Environmental Risk Assessment.” Science of the Total Environment 430: 109-118.

Verlicchi, P., M. Al Aukidy, and E. Zambello. 2012. “Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Urban Wastewater: Removal, Mass Load and Environmental Risk After a Secondary Treatment-A Review.” Science of the Total Environment 429: 123-155.

Verlicchi, P. and E. Zambello. 2015. “Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Untreated and Treated Sewage Sludge: Occurrence and Environmental Risk in the Case of Application on Soil – A Critical Review.” Science of the Total Environment 538: 750-767