Camilo Sáncez (ESR8) Do you know how many days could a human being surviving without water or food? According to several scientific studies, a person could survive up to two months without food, just drinking water. However, the survival probabilities are highly reduced to few days when...

On September 16th, the 3rd project meeting was held online, and ESRs presented both their experimental updates and plans for the next six months....

Barbara Kalebić (ESR7) “Everybody thought I was a bit of an eccentric for wanting to be out there looking at the stars, but I still do.” These are the words of a famous PhD astrophysicist who is the least known for his contribution to science. After the...

Danilo Bertagna (ESR6) Hello again! I’m Danilo Bertagna Silva, ESR#6. Today I want to tell you more about my research role in the NOWELTIES project. I’m carrying out the development of ultra-violet light-emitting diodes photoreactor design. “Ultra-violet light-emitting diodes photoreactor design”… this sounds fancy, but let me...